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What is an interactive infographic?

In interactive infographics, information is presented using images, sound or even animation, so that the user can interact with the content. Read about the benefits of interactivity and see how Aste has implemented it.
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Graafinen kuvitus, jossa tietoja ja symboleja, kuten puhekupla, kellon kuva, kalenteri ja kohdenuoli, putoavat suppiloon ja kulkeutuvat tietokoneen ruudulle. Näytöllä näkyy kaavio, jossa on nousevia ja laskevia viivoja, symboloiden datan käsittelyä ja analysointia.

Infographics make the message clearer

Infographics is a visual form of communication that combines text, images and data into a clear whole. It can be a process diagram of an organisation, a graph of sales progress in a ppt-presentation or a picture of the different parts of a cell on a textbook page.

Infographics are used when you want to put information into a format that is easier to understand. For example, data-driven information or complex entities are faster to process as images instead of text.

“Visualisation can also help people deal more easily with abstract issues, such as emotions, strategy or corporate culture,” says Leena Rantonen, Product Manager at Aste.

Why use infographics?

  • Explaining a complicated issue
    A picture is worth a thousand words. It’s much easier to show than to try to explain in words how to do a gymnastics move, for example.

  • Saving space and time
    Sometimes, even the simplest thing is better shown visually. For example, when a large amount of information needs to fit into a small space, or when you want information to be quickly absorbed at a glance.

  • Showing how things are related
    Presenting statistical changes and relationships between things, such as distances or size differences, is much more effective with infographics.

  • Increasing the effectiveness of information
    When information is made visible, it has a greater impact on the recipient. For example, climate change may seem big and elusive, but your eyes may open differently when you can see the temperature rise in concrete terms in a graph.

What is an interactive infographic?

Interactive infographics means an implementation where the user can interact with the content. It can contain, for example, a number of detailed images and additional information, or even alternative ways of presenting the same information.

In addition to images and text, interactive infographics can include animations, sound recordings, videos or even freely translatable objects.

“Information can also be visualised in a game-like format, for example,” says Leena Rantonen.

School books and concert hall acoustics

A lot of interactive infographics are being produced for teaching materials, both for teachers and for students. These designs are always made responsive, including mobile responsive.

“For example, in primary school mathematics, animations work well to support teaching. We have created our own, customised ways of presenting answers and solutions to make the teacher’s job easier.”

In physics, chemistry and biology, interactive infographics have been used when there is a need to show the structures of different things, such as cells. You can include technical drawings, additional information texts, audio recordings and short videos. In a history book, for example, the map can be animated with discoveries or territorial developments.

Research is also carried out outside the school world. One good example is the modelling of concert hall acoustics.

“With the help of animation and sound recording, we were able to concretely show how the sound changes when an element – or even the listener himself – changes position in the hall,” Leena Rantonen explains.

Aste’s infographics and visualisations always have a branded look and feel. In addition, all new infographics are designed with accessibility in mind.

Refraction of light in the eye in interactive modelling of a digital book

(Vipu 7, Otava Publishing Company Ltd / Otava Learning)

Interactive infographics – 5 benefits

1. Easier to understand information

Users can explore the data in detail, zoom in on specific parts or filter information, making complex issues easier to grasp.

“It’s even easier to understand the information as a whole when you don’t have to fit everything into one picture.”

2. Better engagement

Interactivity encourages users to participate and explore information at their own pace, which increases interest in the content.

3. A personalised experience

Interactivity allows users to tailor the information view to their specific interests or, for example, their geographical location.

4. A stronger imprint

The combination of visuals and functionality leaves a stronger impression than text or a static image alone

5. Display large amounts of data in a variety of ways

Interactive infographics enable the presentation of information in multiple layers, allowing large amounts of data to be provided without information overload. Users can choose which information they want to view and from which perspective.

Examples of interactive infographics

Solar panels in the interactive modelling of a digital book

The modelling is not optimised for mobile (Vipu 6, Otava Publishing Company Ltd / Otava Learning)

Registration of brain electrograms in interactive modelling of a digital book

The modelling is not optimised for mobile (Vipu 6, Otava Publishing Company Ltd / Otava Learning)

Text: Maija Vaara, Aste Helsinki
Layout and implementation of examples: Aste Helsinki

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Maija Vaara
Leena Rantonen
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